Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"Don’t just plan to write—write."

- PD James.

Oh, the absolute irony.

But I've been writing, I swear.

In fact, since last January, I've written over 215 thousand words. Honest to god. It's just that instead of writing here on Blogger, I've moved to 750 Words, and it's about time I talk about this site.

Friday, December 14, 2012


I just had the most imponderable joy of knowing what the phrase "the power is at your fingertips" literally means when I flipped a light switch on in the living room and the entire house turned dark.

I was magic, you guys. Also laughing hysterically cause I didn't know what to do to fix it.

I'm just glad my laptop still works.

Apparently yesterday one of the lights in the living room (that probably shares a series circuit with the one I tried to turn on) exploded. Don't look at me, that's what my 10 year old sister said. It probably just short circuit because of the thunder and let out a little spark. Which then blacked out the house, killed my sister's laptop, my mom's computer, and our second Internet router that my brother uses.

Boy am I happy I wasn't at home yesterday.

Though I'm happier over the fact that I wasn't at home cause I was out watching The Hobbit (!!!!!!!) with a friend. That, was another mindblown, my friends. Like, seriously. The scenery and the cinematography, the directing, the fight scenes (!!), the CGI, the humour, Martin Freeman's faces, did I mentioned the cinematography? BECAUSE THE CINEMATOGRAPHY.

Instant boner.

Helps that the friend was a movie and TV buff, cause it was fun spazzing afterwards.

Oh gawd. I'm sorry if you're reading this and you haven't watched it and now you have to go into the movie with your mind pre-blown.

See what I did thurr? Uh dur dur dur.

TV. Yep. Apologies. Though not really.

Now I'm just torn between saving money for London or saving money for New Zealand. Or Switzerland. Or Germany.

Although let's fact it, considering I'm not even hesitating to put down almost ninety ringgit for a 2013 KALEndar, traveling plans will probably have to wait a little longer.

I've seriously got to start manage my money better.

- m.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Photo Dump #2

Some pictures from a trip to Cameron Highlands with my family way back. Like, June way back. Yeeeeaaahhh, *twiddle thumbs*

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Work In Progress.

Sometimes, I just don't know how to finish the things that I started. Other times, I don't even know how to start. But in the midst of it all, I'm learning.

In the end, that'll be worth something, right?

- m.

Friday, November 16, 2012

psh professionals.

one time my mom and my sister asked me if i wanted to write for this sort of news portal that apparently my sister's friend's parents own. and i was like, oh cool where do i sign up, etc etc. and my sister was like, oh just gimme your blog's link and i'll pass it to my friend and she can read your blog and gauge your writing style and see if they can find you whatever to write about for their website.

so i was all, ... lol nope muchos gracias but wow no no no hah jokes on you syke.

because i get times like these where how do you capital letters and proper sentences and just that's okay, i'll stay here with my weird structures collapsing all over my blog.

not like my blog's url is so hard to figure out anyhow. but you know, comfort in silence.

or something.

- m.

btw yo blogger.

your less than 200 characters rule for your labels is redic. go big or go home.

more of these yes good.

pencils and water colours and sketch papers.

and basically me lounging in my bed in pyjamas with my laptop all day. yes.

i should probably wash my sheets sometime soon. and my hair. the aftermath of final assignments always leave me keening for three hours in the shower.

adventure taim!

- m.